LODI Equipment began with a few simple rules for success which are followed to this day:
Industry surveys show our company to be among the highest in our business in payroll-per-employee and sales-per-employee. That's a fancy way of saying we live our mission statement dedication by paying our personnel well, and managing for performance. The average shop technician in our shop has over 20 years of experience in our business..... they're good!
Rule #2: Make our suppliers successful.
We know the companies we represent have placed the responsibility for their success in our markets in our hands. We try hard to never make them feel like we've forgotten that. We've chosen to represent companies like IMT and Knapheide because they understand our mutual dedication to quality and value, and count on us to deliver that without compromise.
Successful employees and suppliers are the best guarantee that we will be successful in building strong long term win-win relationships with our customers. We commit to each customer our best efforts to provide the finest products representing the best value, and the support and service to continue that value over the life of the product.
Spencer Hinson, President
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